Mar 7, 2022
The Equine Farming Taskforce was established in 2021 by members of the Irish Horse Centre, the Mayo Roscommon Breeders Group, and key industry stakeholders to highlight Equine Farming in Ireland, and to lobby and promote the Irish horse sector at the national and European level.
A great breakthrough last week for the Equine Farming Taskforce (EFT) with elements of our Equine Farming Common Agricultural Policy submission to DAFM (September 2021) now being highlighted at government and ministerial level.
View CAP Submission here:
Also great to hear the term 'EQUINE FARMING' being used by the Irish Prime Minister Michael Martin.
When the Task force's plans come to fruition it will lead to increased opportunities for the equine education, breeding, production and sport within the horse sector.
Next steps of action:
Gaining recognition for Equine Farming within the European Parliament.
!!Watch this space!!
Link Minister Lowery Re. Equine Farming:
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